Intranet Based Online Objective Test Software

Home Intranet Based Online Objective Test Software


In this Testing Module, a student can sit in front of the computer in the school's computer lab and undertake a sudden test of a pre-determined number of questions in a limited time. At the end of the test, the computer automatically generates complete report and can print out a report card of the test taken along with details of the questions correctly answered and those that were incorrect. If a student so desires, then he/she can also see the explanations for the questions that were answered incorrectly.

What the module can do for you:-
Complete process is divided into three parts:
1. Selecting a test.
2. Attempting the test.
3. Analyzing results.

A. Facilities for selecting test to attempt:

A.1. Simple step-by-step process is provided to select the test.
A.2. Candidate can select desired
Level of difficulty
Number of questions from each level
Specific questions
Random questions
Question in a sequence
Time allowed
Marks per questions
Negative marks per question

A.3. Candidate can opt
Two types of test
(i) Preset test
(ii) Create a test

A.4. In preset test, tests are already prepared by the teachers or the supervisors after taking down the requirements of students or candidates.

A.5. Besides PreSet tests, candidate can make his own test for practice purpose. He can select class, subjects and level of difficulty of questions (from tough, simple and moderate) he wants to attempt. Further, he can set the time limit to attempt the test and can also set marks for each question and any negative marks for wrong answers

Whole procedure to select the test can be easily altered by stepping back to previous screen through provided navigation buttons. Once he selects a PreSet test or creates his own, candidate can start the test. Tests are time bound and candidate is given proper view of remaining time for the test. B. Facilities to attempt the test:

B.1. While attempting test, candidate is presented questions in a simple manner with soothing colour scheme of screen.
B.2. Candidate can navigate between questions easily through navigation buttons provided.
B.3. Candidate can view the list of questions left un-attempted. Candidate can jump to a particular question by double clicking the number of the question shown in the list of un-attempted question.
B.4. Proper view of current time and remaining time to attempt the test is visible.
B.5. Candidate can clear the selection of answer to any question and reinsert it.
B.6. Candidate can mark the questions left in the first attempt . Before final submission he can view those left-over questions and attempt them without waste of time.
B.7. Candidate can finish the test before the stipulated time is over. Time taken for attempting the test is also recorded and shown in the reports that follow.

C. Reports:
Once candidate is through the test, he can view results about his performance. A score- card is shown right after the completion of test. This card shows all required details about the candidate, test attempted, class and subject for which the test belongs, total questions in the test, marking scheme for the test, number of questions attempted, number of wrongly attempted, time taken by candidate to finish the test and net marks obtained.
Various reports help him to analyse his performance. These include:
C.1. Candidate can take print out of the test attempted for his future reference.
C.2. Candidate can have a look of questions in MS Word format.
C.3. Candidate can have printout of answers for the test he just attempted.
C.4. Another report facilitated to view the explanations of the questions involved in the attempted test.
Besides above-mentioned reports candidate can view right answers and explanations for questions he attempted wrongly.
Further, administrator has facilities, which can be summarized as below (Only administrator can make new candidates, modify and delete existing candidate's details):
C.5. He can take a print out of all the registered candidates.
C.6. He can have a view and take print out of all the tests attempted by candidates for any particular PreSet Test. This include candidate details, date when the test is attempted, numbers of questions attempted, number of questions answered correctly, number of questions attempted wrongly, time taken to attempt the test, and net marks obtained. Printouts of answers given by particular candidate can also be taken.
C.7. As the above report, administrator can view and take printouts of all test created by candidates as mentioned in step 1.4.
C.8. Administrator can also view report of any particular candidate's performance. This shows all the tests attempted by the candidate within the specified date range.
C.9. A candidate can see his previous record of tests and overall performance can be seen.